Sunday 19 January 2014

The beginning of everything

 ...time to start... 

My name is Alex. I'm a 178cm tall thousand-times-dyed boy, who currently resides in a small city in Poland (hope it will change soon). I have a cat and two dogs - and I have to say, that I love them! 

  My interests... huh. There are many. Korean culture, kpop, sewing, crafting, tea drinking, fashion design, photography, doll collecting, makeup, skincare, baking... These are only some of them - even I don't remember everything at once, haha ^^ 

I will write here about everything - my experience with skincare and makeup products, baking recipes, music, shopping... Just about my lifestyle! 

 Time for a preview of an upcoming post - you surely know SHINee - I'm a huge lover of their music and personalities. Soon my "Everybody" album will arrive, so I'll show you the arrival via some photos. Hope you'll enjoy it! 

 See ya! 
x Alex